As you are aware, following the government advice for schools to reopen, we have been working hard, across the schools in Leger Education Trust, to prepare our primary sites for children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 returning to school.
Wider opening is an important step to ensuring that more children get back to school and, in turn, their parents can return to work. However, we must remember that the measures needed to make sure that this is safe, also limit the number of children who can attend at any one time. Each of our schools has calculated the number of children that can be safely accommodated – both because of physical space but also in relation to staffing of the ‘bubbles’. This challenge has been recognised by the government in their announcement yesterday that all schools are not going to be fully open to all year groups before the autumn term.
Following the statements made on June 4th, regarding the delay of Doncaster schools wider reopening until June 15th, we have received, as expected, an update on the Doncaster situation. Yesterday we received a letter from Dr Rupert Suckling, Director of Public Health in Doncaster, informing us that he is now confident that schools will be able to open from Monday 15th June to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils. His statement is attached below and I ask you to read it carefully so you understand the reasons for his decision.
As a consequence of this update, Askern Littlemoor Infant Academy will now open to Year 1 and Reception pupils from Monday 15th June in line with this revised Doncaster guidance.
We will also continue to be open to provide childcare for those children of key workers and vulnerable pupils in all year groups. Teachers will still continue to provide home learning for any children not returning to school, especially those in Y2.
Parents of children in Y1 and F2 who have confirmed that they wish their child to return to school, have received a confirmation email from school. Nursery parents will receive an email on Friday confirming their place when F1 reopens on Thursday 25th June.
Information regarding specific start and finish times, arriving and leaving school and what your child will need to bring, as well as details of what we are doing to make school safe, can be found on the school website, within the News section
If you have any outstanding questions please email school: I would once again like to thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.
Yours sincerely
Carol Ann Turner
Executive Head Teacher