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Askern Littlemoor Infant Academy

Askern Littlemoor Infant Academy

Lockdown Nursery Provision

The government has indicated that early years providers and school nursery classes can remain fully open during lockdown.  However, this guidance does not apply to other age groups of pupils in school.

Please be aware that the guidance around attendance is very different for school age children compared to children in nursery classes. For school age children, it is strongly advised that where parents are able to keep their children at home they should do so, even if they are children of critical workers, as that is the safest place for all at present. We would strongly advise that parents of nursery age children follow this guidance where possible.

In order to comply with our COVID risk assessment please be aware that we may only be able to offer limited session(s) for your child.  If you would like your child to attend nursery please contact the school office.

Yours faithfully


CA Turner
Executive Head – Infant Schools